List of R Resources

Websites with many R resources

All R books written with Bookdown

All R cheatsheets

APS list of R resources

Show Us Your R

UVA Data Science Resources

R For Data Science Tutorials

Econometrics By Simulation

People with Helpful Websites

Emily C. Zabor

Jenny Bryan

Matt Howard

Kristoffer Magnusson

Sacha Epskamp

Lisa DeBruine

Charles Driver

FOM academic

Suzan Baert

Hadley Wickham

David Robinson

B Rodriguez

Allie Choate

Nathaniel D. Phillips

Simon Ejdemyr

The R Graph Gallery

Christian Burkhart

Malcolm Barrett

John Flournoy

Riinu Filtering NA

UC R Guide

Crump Lab

Danielle Navarro

Richard N. Landers

Gaston Sanchez

Mark Lai

Joshua Loftus

Francis L. Huang

Michael Clark


Applied Statistical Computing Course

BioStates by Jarrett Byrnes

Introduction to Bayes in DataCamp (free course)

Data Analysis and Statistical Inference on Data Camp

Probability and Statistics with Simulations

Penn State Quant Developmental Systems

UO Psych R Bootcamp

Brendan Cullen Courses

D Yurovsky CMU Course

NICAR 2018

Adventures in R

Teacup Giraffes R


US Census Data with R

Statistical Inference via Data Science

bmb Stats


R Markdown Themes

R club

Various Linear Model Tests in R

lmer for Longitudinal Models


Using R to extract data from web APIs

Handling date-times in R

Lesser Known Dplyr tricks


Packages for extremely messy data

Power Simulations

Functions with columns as parameters 1

Functions with columns as parameters 2

Using purrr::map

Kable Extra


Growth models with lme and lmer

Cross-lagged Panel Models

Simulate Experiments

Maximum Likelihood


Purrr tutorial

Psych Networks Winter School Resources

Rmarkdown Themes 1

Rmarkdown Themes 2

Rmarkdown Themes 3

Top 50 ggplot2 Visualizations

Ref Guide on Common GGplot2 Issues

Dynamic Systems and Differential Equations


Git and GitHub

Text Mining

Tidy Workflow via MplusAutomation

Progressing Through Stats with R

Basics of R and R Markdown

Basics of Git and Github with R

Beginner Concepts for Reproducible Science

R for Graduate Students

R for Researchers

Data Wrangling with R


Learning Statistics with R

Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists

Statistics: The Story of Numbers

Descriptive Statistics in R

Handbook of Regression Modeling in People Analytics

R for Data Science

Beginning Computer Science with R

R for HR

Statistical Inference

Intro to Quant Methods

Introduction to Data Science

Multivariate Stats

Introduction to Data Science at Edinburgh

Introduction to Computational Data for Biology

Data Science in Education Using R

Causal Modeling in R

McElreath’s Bayesian Course



Time series and forecasting

Applied time series

Advanced time series

Data Visualization

Animated Data Visualization

Statistical ReThinking with Tidyverse

Text Analysis

Commands and help for non-R programming

Compress pdf in terminal

Mac denying pushing/pulling due to git keychain

Saving username and password through keychain with Git

Using word with Git

Line numbering in LaTex

Exporting .tex to word with pandoc

Word Count on PDF From Terminal

Julia Data Science

So helpful they deserve their own category

Math notation with Rmarkdown

BibTex Examples

Latex equations basics

pdf Text Extraction

Compile Rmarkdown and tex files from terminal

Include LaTeX packages in YAML header

Pimp Your Rmarkdown

Rebus Package

Newline breaks in Rmarkdown tables