Rock Paper Scissors

Replicating Marco Smolla’s fun agent based model.

df <- data.frame(
  'id' = 1:2,
  'strategy' = NA,
  'num_wins' = 0

# give each player a strategy
strats <- sample(x=1:3, size = nrow(df))
# impute the strategies into the data frame
df$strategy <- strats

# make above a function
chooseS <- function(ind){
  strats <- sample(x=1:3, size=nrow(ind)) # 1:Paper, 2:Scissors, 3:Rock
  ind$strategy <- strats


# if the strategies are identical, then nothing happens
if(df$strategy[1] == df$strategy[2]){} else{
  # one chooses rock (3) and the other chooses paper (1)
  if(any(df$strategy == 3) && any(df$strategy == 1)){
    # find the person who selected paper
    player <- df[df$strategy == 1, 'id']
    # and give him a win
    df[player, 'num_wins'] <- df[player, 'num_wins']+1
    # for the other two cases (Rock with scissors, or scissors with paper)
    # the highest number wins
    # identify which player one (the player with the highest number)
    player <- which(df[, "strategy"] == max(df[, "strategy"]))
    # and give him a win
    df[player, 'num_wins'] <- df[player, 'num_wins']+1

# make above into a function
playS <- function(ind){
  if(ind$strategy[1]==ind$strategy[2]) {} else{
    #in the case that one chose Rock and the other paper:
    if(any(ind$strategy == 3) && any(ind$strategy == 1)){
      tmp <- ind[ind$strategy==1, "id"]
      ind[tmp,"num_wins"] <- ind[tmp,"num_wins"]+1
      #for the two other cases, the better weapon wins:
      tmp <- which(ind[,"strategy"]==max(ind[,"strategy"]))
      ind[tmp,"num_wins"] <- ind[tmp,"num_wins"]+1

# now place everything into a loop
for(i in 1:100){
  df <- chooseS(df)
  df <- playS(df)

# in the current version, player 1 and player 2 always randomly select a strategy at each period

# run and save data over time
setup <- function(){
  return(data.frame(id=1:2, strategy=NA, num_wins=0))

rounds <- 1000
indDF <- setup()
dat <- matrix(NA, rounds, 2)
for(i in 1:rounds){
  indDF <- chooseS(indDF)
  indDF <- playS(indDF)
  dat[i,] <- indDF$num_wins

# what if one player always sticks with the same strategy but the other player randomly selects?

chooseS2<- function(ind){
  strat1 <- sample(x=1:3, size=1)
  ind$strategy[1] <- strat1
  strat2 <- 2
  ind$strategy[2] <- strat2

rounds <- 1000
indDF <- setup()
dat <- matrix(NA, rounds, 2)
for(i in 1:rounds){
  indDF <- chooseS2(indDF)
  indDF <- playS(indDF)
  dat[i,] <- indDF$num_wins

# apparently no, it does not matter.

Bo\(^2\)m =)