Latent Dual Change Models

I begin with an intercept-only model in a latent change framework and then build to a full dual change model. SEM images in this post come from a lecture by Amy Nuttall. Two notes about the models and code below. First, the initial models will not fit well because they are too simple. The DGP uses both constant and proportion change (hence, “dual-change”) whereas the first few models only estimate an intercept. Second, I use the sem rather than growth command in lavaan because it forces me to specify the entire model. I do not like using commands that make automatic constraints for me – if you do, you are much more likely to make a mistake or not know what your model is doing.


The underlying DGP will be the same throughout this exercise. Consistent with Ghisletta and McArdle, 2012, we have:

\[\begin{equation} y_t = \alpha*b_1 + (1 + b_2)*y_{t-1} \end{equation}\]

where \(b_1\) is the constant change (similar to the “slope” term in a basic growth model, in latent change frameworks it is called the “change factor”) and \(b_2\) is the proportion change, or the change from point to point. The values specified in the DGP are

\[\begin{equation} y_t = 1*0.3 + (1 + -0.4)*y_{t-1} \end{equation}\]

where \(b_1\) is equal to 0.3 and \(b_2\) is equal to -0.4. Let’s generate data for 500 people across six time points.

constant <- 0.3
proportion <- -0.4

people <- 500
time <- 6

df <- matrix(, nrow = people*time, ncol = 3)
count <- 0

for(i in 1:people){
  y_het <- rnorm(1, 0, 2)
  for(j in 1:time){
    count <- count + 1
    if(j == 1){
      df[count, 1] <- i
      df[count, 2] <- j
      df[count, 3] <- y_het + rnorm(1,0,1)
      df[count, 1] <- i
      df[count, 2] <- j
      df[count, 3] <- 1*constant + (1+proportion)*df[count - 1, 3] + y_het + rnorm(1,0,1)

df <- data.frame(df)
names(df) <- c('id', 'time', 'y')
random_ids <- sample(1:people, 5)
sample_df <- df %>%
  filter(id %in% random_ids)

ggplot(df, aes(x = time, y = y, group = id)) + 
  geom_point(color = 'grey85') + 
  geom_line(color = 'grey85') + 
  geom_point(data = sample_df, aes(x = time, y = y, group = id)) + 
  geom_line(data = sample_df, aes(x = time, y = y, group = id))

Change the data to wide and load lavaan before we start modeling.

df_wide <- reshape(df, idvar = 'id', timevar = 'time', direction = 'wide')

Intercept Only Model

Similar to the intercept-only model in a “non-latent change” framework (i.e., a simple growth model), the intercept-only model here contains a latent variable over the first observation.

There are six observations of \(y\) and each is predicted by its latent “true score.” The first true score term is regressed on a latent intercept. The other true scores are regressed on additional latent variables that represent latent change. We don’t have anything relating to those latent change score terms yet so they don’t do much in this model. The autoregressive paths from true score to true score are constrained to 1. Here is how we estimate it.

int_only_string <- [1553 chars quoted with ''']

int_only_model <- sem(int_only_string, data = df_wide)
summary(int_only_model, fit.measures = T)
lavaan 0.6-9 ended normally after 17 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of model parameters                         8
  Number of equality constraints                     5
  Number of observations                           500
Model Test User Model:
  Test statistic                              2665.363
  Degrees of freedom                                24
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000

Model Test Baseline Model:

  Test statistic                              6704.702
  Degrees of freedom                                15
  P-value                                        0.000

User Model versus Baseline Model:

  Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.605
  Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.753

Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:

  Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -6485.615
  Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -5152.933
  Akaike (AIC)                               12977.230
  Bayesian (BIC)                             12989.873
  Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        12980.351

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:

  RMSEA                                          0.469
  90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.454
  90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.484
  P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:

  SRMR                                           0.611

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                             Standard
  Information                                 Expected
  Information saturated (h1) model          Structured

Latent Variables:
                      Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  l_y1 =~                                                
    y.1                  1.000                           
  l_y2 =~                                                
    y.2                  1.000                           
  l_y3 =~                                                
    y.3                  1.000                           
  l_y4 =~                                                
    y.4                  1.000                           
  l_y5 =~                                                
    y.5                  1.000                           
  l_y6 =~                                                
    y.6                  1.000                           
  lc_y2 =~                                               
    l_y2                 1.000                           
  lc_y3 =~                                               
    l_y3                 1.000                           
  lc_y4 =~                                               
    l_y4                 1.000                           
  lc_y5 =~                                               
    l_y5                 1.000                           
  lc_y6 =~                                               
    l_y6                 1.000                           
  latent_intercept =~                                    
    l_y1                 1.000                           

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  l_y2 ~                                              
    l_y1              1.000                           
  l_y3 ~                                              
    l_y2              1.000                           
  l_y4 ~                                              
    l_y3              1.000                           
  l_y5 ~                                              
    l_y4              1.000                           
  l_y6 ~                                              
    l_y5              1.000                           

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  lc_y2 ~~                                            
    lc_y3             0.000                           
    lc_y4             0.000                           
    lc_y5             0.000                           
    lc_y6             0.000                           
  lc_y3 ~~                                            
    lc_y4             0.000                           
    lc_y5             0.000                           
    lc_y6             0.000                           
  lc_y4 ~~                                            
    lc_y5             0.000                           
    lc_y6             0.000                           
  lc_y5 ~~                                            
    lc_y6             0.000                           
  lc_y2 ~~                                            
    latent_intrcpt    0.000                           
  lc_y3 ~~                                            
    latent_intrcpt    0.000                           
  lc_y4 ~~                                            
    latent_intrcpt    0.000                           
  lc_y5 ~~                                            
    latent_intrcpt    0.000                           
  lc_y6 ~~                                            
    latent_intrcpt    0.000                           

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    latent_intrcpt    0.083    0.186    0.445    0.656
   .l_y1              0.000                           
   .l_y2              0.000                           
   .l_y3              0.000                           
   .l_y4              0.000                           
   .l_y5              0.000                           
   .l_y6              0.000                           
    lc_y2             0.000                           
    lc_y3             0.000                           
    lc_y4             0.000                           
    lc_y5             0.000                           
    lc_y6             0.000                           
   .y.1               0.000                           
   .y.2               0.000                           
   .y.3               0.000                           
   .y.4               0.000                           
   .y.5               0.000                           
   .y.6               0.000                           

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    ltnt_nt          16.981    1.099   15.454    0.000
   .l_y1              0.000                           
   .l_y2              0.000                           
   .l_y3              0.000                           
   .l_y4              0.000                           
   .l_y5              0.000                           
   .l_y6              0.000                           
    lc_y2             0.000                           
    lc_y3             0.000                           
    lc_y4             0.000                           
    lc_y5             0.000                           
    lc_y6             0.000                           
   .y.1     (rs_v)    2.348    0.066   35.355    0.000
   .y.2     (rs_v)    2.348    0.066   35.355    0.000
   .y.3     (rs_v)    2.348    0.066   35.355    0.000
   .y.4     (rs_v)    2.348    0.066   35.355    0.000
   .y.5     (rs_v)    2.348    0.066   35.355    0.000
   .y.6     (rs_v)    2.348    0.066   35.355    0.000

Proportion Change Model

Now we include the proportion change along with the latent intercept.

proportion_string <- [1774 chars quoted with ''']

proportion_model <- sem(proportion_string, data = df_wide)
summary(proportion_model, fit.measures = T)
lavaan 0.6-9 ended normally after 25 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of model parameters                        13
  Number of equality constraints                     9
  Number of observations                           500
Model Test User Model:
  Test statistic                              1073.805
  Degrees of freedom                                23
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000

Model Test Baseline Model:

  Test statistic                              6704.702
  Degrees of freedom                                15
  P-value                                        0.000

User Model versus Baseline Model:

  Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.843
  Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.898

Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:

  Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -5689.835
  Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -5152.933
  Akaike (AIC)                               11387.671
  Bayesian (BIC)                             11404.529
  Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        11391.833

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:

  RMSEA                                          0.302
  90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.287
  90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.318
  P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:

  SRMR                                           0.219

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                             Standard
  Information                                 Expected
  Information saturated (h1) model          Structured

Latent Variables:
                      Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  l_y1 =~                                                
    y.1                  1.000                           
  l_y2 =~                                                
    y.2                  1.000                           
  l_y3 =~                                                
    y.3                  1.000                           
  l_y4 =~                                                
    y.4                  1.000                           
  l_y5 =~                                                
    y.5                  1.000                           
  l_y6 =~                                                
    y.6                  1.000                           
  lc_y2 =~                                               
    l_y2                 1.000                           
  lc_y3 =~                                               
    l_y3                 1.000                           
  lc_y4 =~                                               
    l_y4                 1.000                           
  lc_y5 =~                                               
    l_y5                 1.000                           
  lc_y6 =~                                               
    l_y6                 1.000                           
  latent_intercept =~                                    
    l_y1                 1.000                           

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  l_y2 ~                                              
    l_y1              1.000                           
  l_y3 ~                                              
    l_y2              1.000                           
  l_y4 ~                                              
    l_y3              1.000                           
  l_y5 ~                                              
    l_y4              1.000                           
  l_y6 ~                                              
    l_y5              1.000                           
  lc_y2 ~                                             
    l_y1      (b2)    0.140    0.003   41.297    0.000
  lc_y3 ~                                             
    l_y2      (b2)    0.140    0.003   41.297    0.000
  lc_y4 ~                                             
    l_y3      (b2)    0.140    0.003   41.297    0.000
  lc_y5 ~                                             
    l_y4      (b2)    0.140    0.003   41.297    0.000
  lc_y6 ~                                             
    l_y5      (b2)    0.140    0.003   41.297    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
 .lc_y2 ~~                                            
   .lc_y3             0.000                           
   .lc_y4             0.000                           
   .lc_y5             0.000                           
   .lc_y6             0.000                           
 .lc_y3 ~~                                            
   .lc_y4             0.000                           
   .lc_y5             0.000                           
   .lc_y6             0.000                           
 .lc_y4 ~~                                            
   .lc_y5             0.000                           
   .lc_y6             0.000                           
 .lc_y5 ~~                                            
   .lc_y6             0.000                           
 .lc_y2 ~~                                            
    latent_intrcpt    0.000                           
 .lc_y3 ~~                                            
    latent_intrcpt    0.000                           
 .lc_y4 ~~                                            
    latent_intrcpt    0.000                           
 .lc_y5 ~~                                            
    latent_intrcpt    0.000                           
 .lc_y6 ~~                                            
    latent_intrcpt    0.000                           

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    latent_intrcpt    0.071    0.131    0.544    0.586
   .l_y1              0.000                           
   .l_y2              0.000                           
   .l_y3              0.000                           
   .l_y4              0.000                           
   .l_y5              0.000                           
   .l_y6              0.000                           
   .lc_y2             0.000                           
   .lc_y3             0.000                           
   .lc_y4             0.000                           
   .lc_y5             0.000                           
   .lc_y6             0.000                           
   .y.1               0.000                           
   .y.2               0.000                           
   .y.3               0.000                           
   .y.4               0.000                           
   .y.5               0.000                           
   .y.6               0.000                           

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    ltnt_nt           8.505    0.568   14.969    0.000
   .l_y1              0.000                           
   .l_y2              0.000                           
   .l_y3              0.000                           
   .l_y4              0.000                           
   .l_y5              0.000                           
   .l_y6              0.000                           
   .lc_y2             0.000                           
   .lc_y3             0.000                           
   .lc_y4             0.000                           
   .lc_y5             0.000                           
   .lc_y6             0.000                           
   .y.1     (rs_v)    1.230    0.035   35.355    0.000
   .y.2     (rs_v)    1.230    0.035   35.355    0.000
   .y.3     (rs_v)    1.230    0.035   35.355    0.000
   .y.4     (rs_v)    1.230    0.035   35.355    0.000
   .y.5     (rs_v)    1.230    0.035   35.355    0.000
   .y.6     (rs_v)    1.230    0.035   35.355    0.000

Latent Constant Change

This model is nearly identical to the basic linear growth curve model, it simply embodies it in the latent change framework. The basis coefficients from the constant change term to the latent change scores are constrained to one, then we estimate the mean of the constant change.

constant_change_string <- [2016 chars quoted with ''']

constant_change_model <- sem(constant_change_string, data = df_wide)
summary(constant_change_model, fit.measures = T)
lavaan 0.6-9 ended normally after 33 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of model parameters                        11
  Number of equality constraints                     5
  Number of observations                           500
Model Test User Model:
  Test statistic                               768.956
  Degrees of freedom                                21
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000

Model Test Baseline Model:

  Test statistic                              6704.702
  Degrees of freedom                                15
  P-value                                        0.000

User Model versus Baseline Model:

  Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.888
  Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.920

Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:

  Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -5537.411
  Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -5152.933
  Akaike (AIC)                               11086.822
  Bayesian (BIC)                             11112.110
  Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        11093.065

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:

  RMSEA                                          0.267
  90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.251
  90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.283
  P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:

  SRMR                                           0.162

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                             Standard
  Information                                 Expected
  Information saturated (h1) model          Structured

Latent Variables:
                      Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  l_y1 =~                                                
    y.1                  1.000                           
  l_y2 =~                                                
    y.2                  1.000                           
  l_y3 =~                                                
    y.3                  1.000                           
  l_y4 =~                                                
    y.4                  1.000                           
  l_y5 =~                                                
    y.5                  1.000                           
  l_y6 =~                                                
    y.6                  1.000                           
  lc_y2 =~                                               
    l_y2                 1.000                           
  lc_y3 =~                                               
    l_y3                 1.000                           
  lc_y4 =~                                               
    l_y4                 1.000                           
  lc_y5 =~                                               
    l_y5                 1.000                           
  lc_y6 =~                                               
    l_y6                 1.000                           
  latent_intercept =~                                    
    l_y1                 1.000                           
  latent_slope =~                                        
    lc_y2                1.000                           
    lc_y3                1.000                           
    lc_y4                1.000                           
    lc_y5                1.000                           
    lc_y6                1.000                           

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  l_y2 ~                                              
    l_y1              1.000                           
  l_y3 ~                                              
    l_y2              1.000                           
  l_y4 ~                                              
    l_y3              1.000                           
  l_y5 ~                                              
    l_y4              1.000                           
  l_y6 ~                                              
    l_y5              1.000                           

                      Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  latent_intercept ~~                                    
    latent_slope         1.449    0.103   14.059    0.000
 .lc_y2 ~~                                               
   .lc_y3                0.000                           
   .lc_y4                0.000                           
   .lc_y5                0.000                           
   .lc_y6                0.000                           
 .lc_y3 ~~                                               
   .lc_y4                0.000                           
   .lc_y5                0.000                           
   .lc_y6                0.000                           
 .lc_y4 ~~                                               
   .lc_y5                0.000                           
   .lc_y6                0.000                           
 .lc_y5 ~~                                               
   .lc_y6                0.000                           
 .lc_y2 ~~                                               
    latent_intrcpt       0.000                           
 .lc_y3 ~~                                               
    latent_intrcpt       0.000                           
 .lc_y4 ~~                                               
    latent_intrcpt       0.000                           
 .lc_y5 ~~                                               
    latent_intrcpt       0.000                           
 .lc_y6 ~~                                               
    latent_intrcpt       0.000                           

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    latent_intrcpt   -0.080    0.127   -0.631    0.528
    latent_slope      0.065    0.030    2.181    0.029
   .l_y1              0.000                           
   .l_y2              0.000                           
   .l_y3              0.000                           
   .l_y4              0.000                           
   .l_y5              0.000                           
   .l_y6              0.000                           
   .lc_y2             0.000                           
   .lc_y3             0.000                           
   .lc_y4             0.000                           
   .lc_y5             0.000                           
   .lc_y6             0.000                           
   .y.1               0.000                           
   .y.2               0.000                           
   .y.3               0.000                           
   .y.4               0.000                           
   .y.5               0.000                           
   .y.6               0.000                           

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    ltnt_nt           7.517    0.508   14.810    0.000
    ltnt_sl           0.392    0.028   13.839    0.000
   .l_y1              0.000                           
   .l_y2              0.000                           
   .l_y3              0.000                           
   .l_y4              0.000                           
   .l_y5              0.000                           
   .l_y6              0.000                           
   .lc_y2             0.000                           
   .lc_y3             0.000                           
   .lc_y4             0.000                           
   .lc_y5             0.000                           
   .lc_y6             0.000                           
   .y.1     (rs_v)    0.962    0.030   31.623    0.000
   .y.2     (rs_v)    0.962    0.030   31.623    0.000
   .y.3     (rs_v)    0.962    0.030   31.623    0.000
   .y.4     (rs_v)    0.962    0.030   31.623    0.000
   .y.5     (rs_v)    0.962    0.030   31.623    0.000
   .y.6     (rs_v)    0.962    0.030   31.623    0.000

Dual Change Model

Now a full dual change model with both constant and proportion change parameters.

dual_c_string <- [2128 chars quoted with ''']

dual_change_model <- sem(dual_c_string, data = df_wide)
summary(dual_change_model, fit.measures = T)
lavaan 0.6-9 ended normally after 50 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of model parameters                        16
  Number of equality constraints                     9
  Number of observations                           500
Model Test User Model:
  Test statistic                               356.288
  Degrees of freedom                                20
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000

Model Test Baseline Model:

  Test statistic                              6704.702
  Degrees of freedom                                15
  P-value                                        0.000

User Model versus Baseline Model:

  Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.950
  Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.962

Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:

  Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -5331.077
  Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -5152.933
  Akaike (AIC)                               10676.154
  Bayesian (BIC)                             10705.657
  Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        10683.438

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:

  RMSEA                                          0.183
  90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.167
  90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.200
  P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:

  SRMR                                           0.023

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                             Standard
  Information                                 Expected
  Information saturated (h1) model          Structured

Latent Variables:
                      Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  l_y1 =~                                                
    y.1                  1.000                           
  l_y2 =~                                                
    y.2                  1.000                           
  l_y3 =~                                                
    y.3                  1.000                           
  l_y4 =~                                                
    y.4                  1.000                           
  l_y5 =~                                                
    y.5                  1.000                           
  l_y6 =~                                                
    y.6                  1.000                           
  lc_y2 =~                                               
    l_y2                 1.000                           
  lc_y3 =~                                               
    l_y3                 1.000                           
  lc_y4 =~                                               
    l_y4                 1.000                           
  lc_y5 =~                                               
    l_y5                 1.000                           
  lc_y6 =~                                               
    l_y6                 1.000                           
  latent_intercept =~                                    
    l_y1                 1.000                           
  latent_slope =~                                        
    lc_y2                1.000                           
    lc_y3                1.000                           
    lc_y4                1.000                           
    lc_y5                1.000                           
    lc_y6                1.000                           

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  l_y2 ~                                              
    l_y1              1.000                           
  l_y3 ~                                              
    l_y2              1.000                           
  l_y4 ~                                              
    l_y3              1.000                           
  l_y5 ~                                              
    l_y4              1.000                           
  l_y6 ~                                              
    l_y5              1.000                           
  lc_y2 ~                                             
    l_y1       (b)   -0.379    0.015  -24.480    0.000
  lc_y3 ~                                             
    l_y2       (b)   -0.379    0.015  -24.480    0.000
  lc_y4 ~                                             
    l_y3       (b)   -0.379    0.015  -24.480    0.000
  lc_y5 ~                                             
    l_y4       (b)   -0.379    0.015  -24.480    0.000
  lc_y6 ~                                             
    l_y5       (b)   -0.379    0.015  -24.480    0.000

                      Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  latent_intercept ~~                                    
    latent_slope         4.438    0.315   14.080    0.000
 .lc_y2 ~~                                               
   .lc_y3                0.000                           
   .lc_y4                0.000                           
   .lc_y5                0.000                           
   .lc_y6                0.000                           
 .lc_y3 ~~                                               
   .lc_y4                0.000                           
   .lc_y5                0.000                           
   .lc_y6                0.000                           
 .lc_y4 ~~                                               
   .lc_y5                0.000                           
   .lc_y6                0.000                           
 .lc_y5 ~~                                               
   .lc_y6                0.000                           

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    latent_intrcpt   -0.146    0.107   -1.368    0.171
    latent_slope      0.093    0.095    0.977    0.328
   .l_y1              0.000                           
   .l_y2              0.000                           
   .l_y3              0.000                           
   .l_y4              0.000                           
   .l_y5              0.000                           
   .l_y6              0.000                           
   .lc_y2             0.000                           
   .lc_y3             0.000                           
   .lc_y4             0.000                           
   .lc_y5             0.000                           
   .lc_y6             0.000                           
   .y.1               0.000                           
   .y.2               0.000                           
   .y.3               0.000                           
   .y.4               0.000                           
   .y.5               0.000                           
   .y.6               0.000                           

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    ltnt_nt           5.126    0.369   13.889    0.000
    ltnt_sl           4.478    0.387   11.564    0.000
   .l_y1              0.000                           
   .l_y2              0.000                           
   .l_y3              0.000                           
   .l_y4              0.000                           
   .l_y5              0.000                           
   .l_y6              0.000                           
   .lc_y2             0.000                           
   .lc_y3             0.000                           
   .lc_y4             0.000                           
   .lc_y5             0.000                           
   .lc_y6             0.000                           
   .y.1     (rs_v)    0.810    0.026   31.623    0.000
   .y.2     (rs_v)    0.810    0.026   31.623    0.000
   .y.3     (rs_v)    0.810    0.026   31.623    0.000
   .y.4     (rs_v)    0.810    0.026   31.623    0.000
   .y.5     (rs_v)    0.810    0.026   31.623    0.000
   .y.6     (rs_v)    0.810    0.026   31.623    0.000

The estimate of the constant change (called “latent slope” in my string syntax; \(b_1\)) is close to 0.3 and the estimate of the proportion change (\(b_2\)) is close to -0.4. Not bad.

A Note On Interpreting

These models predict complex change patterns. It is difficult to know the expected curvilinear pattern that the models expect without computing expected scores and plotting them. I did not do that here.

Bo\(^2\)m =)