Simulations With Rcpp

Simulating dynamic processes is slow in R. Using the Rcpp function, we can incorporate C++ code to improve performance.

My dad, Tim, wrote the C++ code you see here = ).

Example 1 - Two states, single unit

We’re going to simulate data goverened by the following equations:

\[\begin{align*} x_t &= a1x_{t-1} + b1y_{t-1}\\ y_t &= a2y_{t-1} + b2x_{t-1}. \end{align*}\]

Here it is in R:

# Parameters
a1 <- 0.8
a2 <- 0.2
b1 <- -0.5
b2 <- 0.5

# Time points
time <- 100

# Initialize df to store the values
df <- data.frame(
  # a vector of length 100
  'time' = c(numeric(time)),
  # a vector of length 100
  'x' = c(numeric(time)),
  'y' = c(numeric(time))

# I always like to use a counter even though it isn't needed here
count <- 1

# First time point, x starts at 50 and y at 10
df[1, 'time'] <- 1
df[1, 'x'] <- 50
df[1, 'y'] <- 10

# For loop that iterates over the process
for(i in 2:time){
  count <- count + 1
    # store time
    df[count, 'time'] <- i
    # x
    df[count, 'x'] <- a1*df[count - 1, 'x'] + b1*df[count - 1, 'y']
    # y
    df[count, 'y'] <- a2*df[count - 1, 'y'] + b2*df[count - 1, 'x']

Some of the output…

  time       x       y
1    1 50.0000 10.0000
2    2 35.0000 27.0000
3    3 14.5000 22.9000
4    4  0.1500 11.8300
5    5 -5.7950  2.4410
6    6 -5.8565 -2.4093

Now, we can do the same thing but use a call to C++ that will improve performance.

# C++ function
cppFunction('DataFrame createTrajectory(int t, double x0, double y0, 
             double a1, double a2, double b1, double b2) {
             // create the columns
             NumericVector x(t);
             NumericVector y(t);
             for(int i = 1; i < t; ++i) {
             x[i] = a1*x[i-1]+b1*y[i-1];
             y[i] = a2*y[i-1]+b2*x[i-1];
             // return a new data frame
             return DataFrame::create(_["x"] = x, _["y"] = y);

# Parameters
a1 <- 0.8
a2 <- 0.2
b1 <- -0.5
b2 <- 0.5

# Time points
time <- 100

# Call the function and run it with 100 time points
df <- createTrajectory(time, 50, 10, a1, a2, b1, b2)

# Create a time column 
df$time <- c(1:time)

        x       y time
1 50.0000 10.0000    1
2 35.0000 27.0000    2
3 14.5000 22.9000    3
4  0.1500 11.8300    4
5 -5.7950  2.4410    5
6 -5.8565 -2.4093    6

Example 2 - Two states, multiple units

In the last example, we simulated \(x\) and \(y\) over a single unit (e.g., a person, cell, company, nation, etc.). Here, we’ll incorporate multiple units and unobserved heterogeneity.

The equations governing the system are:

\[\begin{align*} x_{it} &= a1x_{i(t-1)} + b1y_{i(t-1)} + u_i + e_{it}\\ y_{it} &= a2y_{i(t-1)} + b2x_{i(t-1)} + m_i + e_{it} \end{align*}\]

Here is the simulation in base R:

# Parameters
a1 <- 0.8
a2 <- 0.2
b1 <- -0.5
b2 <- 0.5

# Time points and people
time <- 100
people <- 500

# Initialize df to store the values
df <- data.frame(
  'time' = c(numeric(time*people)),
  'person' = c(numeric(time*people)),
  'x' = c(numeric(time*people)),
  'y' = c(numeric(time*people))

# counter
count <- 0

# For each person...
for(i in 1:people){
  # draw his or her stable individual differences, u and m
  # draw one value from a normal distribution with mean 0 and sd 2
  ui <- rnorm(1, 0, 2)
  # draw one value from a normal distribution with mean 0 and sd 2
  mi <- rnorm(1, 0, 2)
  # now run this individual across time
  for(j in 1:time){
    count <- count + 1
    # first time point
    if(j == 1){
      df[count, 'time'] <- j
      df[count, 'person'] <- i
      # draw 1 value from a normal distribution with mean 50 and sd 5
      df[count, 'x'] <- rnorm(1, 50, 5)
      # draw 1 value from a normal distribution with mean 10 and sd 3
      df[count, 'y'] <- rnorm(1, 10, 3)

    # all other time points
      df[count, 'time'] <- j
      df[count, 'person'] <- i
      df[count, 'x'] <- a1*df[count - 1, 'x'] + b1*df[count - 1, 'y'] + ui + rnorm(1, 0, 1)
      df[count, 'y'] <- a2*df[count - 1, 'y'] + b2*df[count - 1, 'x'] + mi + rnorm(1, 0, 1)

  time person         x          y
1    1      1 55.312110  9.7703406
2    2      1 35.838122 27.1180571
3    3      1 12.124264 21.8771748
4    4      1 -2.031200  8.5209785
5    5      1 -6.406814  0.2683783
6    6      1 -8.592495 -4.2483515

Here it is using the Rccp function to incorporate C++ code.

# C++ function
cppFunction([1858 chars quoted with '''])

# Parameters
a1 <- 0.8
a2 <- 0.2
b1 <- -0.5
b2 <- 0.5

# Time points
time <- 100
people <- 500

# Call the function and run it with 100 time steps and 500 people
df <- createTrajectory2(time, people, a1, a2, b1, b2)

           x         y time person
1  56.234918 13.822706    0      0
2  31.697638 34.987133    1      0
3   2.530587 25.466003    2      0
4 -15.373687  9.315961    3      0
5 -21.137857 -1.970576    4      0
6 -21.551256 -7.104332    5      0

Bo\(^2\)m =)