Conflict Agents Pseudocode

## Initial Conditions

Agents have several characteristics
-   na: level of negative affect
-   info: level of learning
-   tolerance: individual difference in conflict expression tendency
-   solution: individual difference in “decrease na because info went up”

Create agents

## Process – Round Robin Conflict Expressions

agent[i] does or does not express conflict

if agent[i] expresses conflict
    agent[-i] reacts in one of three ways:
        does not see the expression as conflict
        sees the expression as conflict but is not involved
        sees the expression as conflict and is involved

            update agent[-i] characteristics based on reaction
continue for all agents[-i]

else (if agent[i] does not express conflict), then continue to next agent

update na for all agents based on info and solution

## Initial Conditions

Agents have several characteristics
-   na: level of negative affect
-   info: level of learning
-   tolerance: individual difference in conflict expression tendency
-   solution: individual difference in “decrease na because info went up”

Create agents
agenta <- data.frame(
  'na' = c(0),
  'info' = c(0),
  'tolerance' = c(100),
  'solution' = c(60)

agentb <- data.frame(
  'na' = c(0),
  'info' = c(0),
  'tolerance' = c(50),
  'solution' = c(100)

agentc <- data.frame(
  'na' = c(0),
  'info' = c(0),
  'tolerance' = c(77),
  'solution' = c(80)
## Process – Round Robin Conflict Expressions

agent[i] does or does not express conflict
# start counter/time
i <- 2

# determine probability that a will express conflict

# with more NA and less tolerance, an agent is more likely to express conflict
aprob <- agenta[i-1, 'na'] / agenta[1, 'tolerance']
agenta_express <- rbinom(1, 1, prob = aprob)
if agent[i] expresses conflict
    agent[-i] reacts in one of three ways:
        does not see the expression as conflict
        sees the expression as conflict but is not involved
        sees the expression as conflict and is involved
# does agent a express conflict? 1 = yes
if(agenta_express == 1){
  # agent a expresses something, which contains both na and info
  # na is pulled from a uniform distribution between 1 and 10, same for info
  expressed_na <- runif(1, min = 1, max = 10)
  expressed_info <- runif(1, min = 1, max = 10)
  # agent a will not react to his own expression, so fill in his next rows
  # agent a na and info is the same as it was last time
  agenta[i, 'na'] <- agenta[i-1, 'na']
  agenta[i, 'info'] <- agenta[i-1, 'info']
  # agent b
  # is this expression conflict? 2/3rds tendency toward yes
  b_is_this_conflict <- sample(c('yes', 'yes', 'no'), 1)
  # does b perceive to be implicated? 2/3rds tendency toward yes
  b_implicated <- sample(c('yes', 'yes', 'no'), 1)
  # b can make one of three perceptions
  # 1: b does not see the expression as conflict
  # 2: b sees the expression as conflict but does not believe to be involved
  # 3: b sees it as conflict and believes to be involved
  # if 1 (b does not see it as conflict), then b's na goes down
  # if 2 (b sees it as conflict but not involved), then update na and info but only by a small amount
  # if 3 (b sees it as conflict and is involved), then update na and info
  # if 1 (b does not see it as conflict), then b's na goes down
  if(b_is_this_conflict == 'no'){
    # decreases by an amount drawn from a uniform distribution between 1 and 5
    agentb[i, 'na'] <- agentb[i - 1, 'na'] - runif(1, min = 1, max = 5)
    # info stays the same
    agentb[i, 'info'] <- agentb[i-1, 'info']
  # if 2 (b sees it as conflict but is not involved), then b's na and info update but by a small amount
  if(b_is_this_conflict == 'yes' && b_implicated == 'no'){
    # b's na is a function of prior na and expressed na (multiplied by 0.5 to make it smaller)
    agentb[i, 'na'] <- expressed_na*0.5 + agentb[i - 1, 'na']
    # b's info is a function of prior info and expressed info (multipled by 0.5 to make it smaller)
    agentb[i, 'info'] <- expressed_info*0.5 + agentb[i - 1, 'info']
  # if 3 (b sees it as conflict and is involved), then b's na and info update
  if(b_is_this_conflict == 'yes' && b_implicated == 'yes'){
    # b's na is a function of prior na and expressed na
    agentb[i, 'na'] <- expressed_na + agentb[i - 1, 'na']
    # b's info is a function of prior info and expressed info
    agentb[i, 'info'] <- expressed_info + agentb[i - 1, 'info']

  # do the same for c...
continue to next agent
i <- i + 1

# determine probability that b will express conflict

# with more NA and less tolerance, an agent is more likely to express conflict
bprob <- agentb[i-1, 'na'] / agentb[1, 'tolerance']
agentb_express <- rbinom(1, 1, prob = bprob)

if(agentb_express == 1){
  # evaluate and update for all agents not b
update na for all agents based on info and solution
# after full round. assess whether info has reached solution level. 

# if so, decrease na. When info accumulates to a given agent's solution level, it takes away some negative affect

if(agenta[i, 'info'] >= agenta[1, 'solution']){
  agenta[i, 'na'] <- agenta[i, 'na'] - 10

if(agentb[i, 'info'] >= agentb[1, 'solution']){
  agentb[i, 'na'] <- agentb[i, 'na'] - 10

if(agentc[i, 'info'] >= agentc[1, 'solution']){
  agentc[i, 'na'] <- agentc[i, 'na'] - 10