I built the following simple computational model for an individual differences class in the Spring of 2018 to demonstrate how to incorporate explantory elements for trait development into a computational framework. This model assumes that an individual’s trait development depends on 1) the environment and 2) interactions with others inside and outside of the individual’s social group. Moreover, the model assumes traits are somewhat stable and exhibit self-similarity across time. The main properties I am trying to capture, therefore, include:
The development of a stable trait through interactions with…
a social group
random others
the environment
These properties do not represent what I think of as “true” aspects of trait development (although I think they are important). I use them, instead, to show the translation from verbal concepts to code representations.
Here is the pseudocode for the model:
Build agent
Random initial trait value
Peer group holder (initially 0)
Build global population of people with the trait (normally distributed)
Time 1
People in peer group?
If yes:
What is their average trait level?
Use that level to filter who the agent interacts with from the global population
If no:
Select person from the global population to interact with
Uniform (-1, 1) = quality of the interaction
If it goes well, agent’s trait is influenced by this person
If it does not go well, agent keeps own trait
Update trait and peer holder
First I present the model without a loop in very simple code. We begin with a distribution of the trait in the population.
global_population <- data.frame(
"People" = c(1:1000),
"SDO" = c(rnorm(1000, 100, 10))
Then I create the agent. I used SDO as my example in class, so that will be the “trait” here. The agent is given an initial value of the trait.
agent <- list(
SDO = 0,
Peeps = NULL
initial_sdo_value <- rnorm(1, 100, 10)
agent[[1]][1] <- initial_sdo_value
[1] 106.3572
If the agent has a social group (‘peeps’), then we would take the mean of their trait levels to inform who the agent interacts with from the global population.
Because this is the first time point, however, the agent does not have a social group. Now we select a person from the global population for our agent to interact with. If our agent had a social group, the social group’s average trait would inform who we select, but again in this case the interaction is random.
other <- sample(global_population$SDO, 1)
The interaction is good or bad…
interaction_quality <- runif(1, min = -1, max = 1)
If the interaction is good, our agent’s trait is influenced by this new individual.
# quality good? interaction_quality > 0
new_sdo <- agent$SDO + (other - agent$SDO)*interaction_quality
# quality bad? interaction quality < 0
new_sdo <- agent$SDO
Then we throw in some environmental disturbance for fun
and conclude by updating the agent
# Update agent
agent$SDO <- c(agent$SDO, new_sdo)
# If the interaction went well, this person goes into friend group. If not, leave them out
agent$Peeps <- c(agent$Peeps, other)
[1] 106.3572 108.3572
[1] 105.9289
Here is the full model and a plot of the agent’s trait over time.
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# Generate over time
time_points <- 400
global_population <- data.frame(
"People" = c(1:1000),
"SDO" = c(rnorm(1000, 100, 10))
agent <- list(
SDO = rep(0,time_points),
Peeps = rep(0,time_points)
initial_sdo_value <- rnorm(1, 100, 10)
agent[[1]][1] <- initial_sdo_value
other <- sample(global_population$SDO, 1)
agent[[2]][1] <- other
count <- 0
for(i in 2:time_points){
count <- count + 1
# sample global population and interact with them
# filter based on peeps average
# need to change this to only use values that are not zero
use_non_zero_values <- agent$Peeps[agent$Peeps > 0]
use_vals <- mean(use_non_zero_values)
filter_top <- use_vals + 20
filter_lower <- use_vals - 20
new_df <- global_population %>%
filter(SDO < filter_top & SDO > filter_lower)
other <- sample(new_df$SDO, 1)
interaction_quality <- runif(1, min = -1, max = 1)
# quality good or bad?
if(interaction_quality > 0){
new_sdo <- agent$SDO[i - 1] + (other - agent$SDO[i - 1])*interaction_quality
new_sdo <- agent$SDO[i - 1]
# Environment
environment_sdo <- sample(c(-20:20), 1)
new_sdo <- new_sdo + environment_sdo
# Update agent
agent$SDO[i] <- new_sdo
if(interaction_quality > 0){
agent$Peeps[i] <- other
agent$Peeps <- agent$Peeps
plot_agent <- data.frame(
'Agent_SDO' = c(agent$SDO),
"Peeps_SDO" = c(agent$Peeps),
"Time" = c(1:time_points)
new_data <- plot_agent %>%
filter(Peeps_SDO > 0) %>%
gather(Agent_SDO, Peeps_SDO, key = 'variable', value = 'SDO')
ggplot(new_data, aes(x = Time, y = SDO)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(color = 'blue') +
facet_wrap(~variable) +
Bo\(^2\)m =)